Hearing Aids

How to wear GLASSES with HEARING AIDS in 2025?

When you discover how to wear glasses with hearing aids (or cochlear implants, my case) properly, your whole experience as a person with a disability (or two) changes. Millions of people worldwide want to know how to wear glasses with hearing aids! People like me, who have hearing and vision impairments, are not remembered by the eyeglasses industry.

Wearing glasses with hearing aids is a huge challenge for people with hearing loss who need both things behind their ears. Wearing glasses with a cochlear implant is ten times more difficult because it occupies all the space behind the ear. My vision has been deteriorating since 2019. At 42 years old, I finally reached the point of needing multifocal lenses, and I faced a massive challenge because of it!

The eyeglasses I currently wear have standard-sized temples, which means they push my cochlear implants out of my ears, causing them to fall. Ever since I started wearing glasses, I’ve been raising up the temples to prevent them from touching my ears. However, this is impractical with multifocal lenses, which need to stay perfectly aligned for you to see both up close and at a distance. The era of improvisation has come to an end for me…

Lorsque vous découvrez comment porter des lunettes avec des aides auditives (ou des implants cochléaires, dans mon cas) correctement, toute votre expérience en tant que personne handicapée (ou doublement handicapée) change. Des millions de personnes dans le monde veulent savoir comment porter des lunettes avec des aides auditives ! Les personnes comme moi, qui souffrent de déficiences auditives et visuelles, ne sont pas prises en compte par l’industrie des lunettes.
Porter des lunettes avec des aides auditives est un énorme défi pour les personnes malentendantes qui ont besoin des deux dispositifs derrière les oreilles. Porter des lunettes avec un implant cochléaire est dix fois plus difficile, car cela occupe tout l’espace derrière l’oreille. Ma vue se détériore depuis 2019. À 42 ans, j’ai enfin atteint le point où j’ai besoin de verres multifocaux, et j’ai été confrontée à un défi colossal à cause de cela !
Les lunettes que je porte actuellement ont des branches de taille standard, ce qui signifie qu’elles repoussent mes implants cochléaires hors de mes oreilles, les faisant tomber. Depuis que j’ai commencé à porter des lunettes, je relève les branches pour éviter qu’elles ne touchent mes oreilles. Cependant, cela est impraticable avec des verres multifocaux, qui doivent rester parfaitement alignés pour permettre de voir de près comme de loin. L’ère de l’improvisation est terminée pour moi…
Wenn du herausfindest, wie man Brillen mit Hörgeräten (oder in meinem Fall mit Cochlea-Implantaten) richtig trägt, verändert sich deine gesamte Erfahrung als Mensch mit einer Behinderung (oder zwei). Millionen von Menschen weltweit möchten wissen, wie man Brillen mit Hörgeräten trägt! Menschen wie ich, die sowohl an Hör- als auch an Sehbeeinträchtigungen leiden, werden von der Brillenindustrie nicht berücksichtigt.
Brillen mit Hörgeräten zu tragen, ist eine enorme Herausforderung für Menschen mit Hörverlust, die beide Dinge hinter ihren Ohren benötigen. Brillen mit einem Cochlea-Implantat zu tragen, ist zehnmal schwieriger, weil es den gesamten Platz hinter dem Ohr einnimmt. Meine Sehkraft verschlechtert sich seit 2019. Mit 42 Jahren habe ich endlich den Punkt erreicht, an dem ich Gleitsichtgläser brauche, und das hat mir eine riesige Herausforderung beschert!
Die Brille, die ich derzeit trage, hat Bügel in Standardgröße, was bedeutet, dass sie meine Cochlea-Implantate aus meinen Ohren drücken und sie herunterfallen lassen. Seit ich angefangen habe, Brillen zu tragen, hebe ich die Bügel an, um zu verhindern, dass sie meine Ohren berühren. Das ist jedoch bei Gleitsichtgläsern unpraktisch, die perfekt ausgerichtet bleiben müssen, damit man sowohl in der Nähe als auch in der Ferne sehen kann. Die Ära des Improvisierens ist für mich zu Ende…

How to wear glasses with hearing aids

When I was introduced to Silhouette TMA Line, my life changed.

Glasses for wearing with a hearing aid or cochlear implant


silhouette glasses to wear with hearing aids

I recently came across the Silhouette TMA Must Collection, and I must say, they are absolutely perfect. While the price is higher, the quality justifies the cost. Additionally, the frames boast malleable titanium and weigh only 2 grams, ensuring a lightweight and comfortable wearing experience. I had the chance to try these frames once my lenses were ready, and without a doubt, my brain said “I want this!”. It’s worth noting that Queen Elizabeth herself was a Silhouette lover!

I won’t try using contact lenses because I’ve had a nervous “mania” of touching my eye since I was a child (I recently got a terrible bacterial conjunctivitis because of it) that I can’t get rid of. Some have asked me: why don’t you buy a single-piece cochlear implant? First of all, because each one costs around R$60,000 (I live in Brazil), and I use two! Secondly, because the health insurance is not obligated to provide it just because I need glasses. And thirdly, because I’m not interested in the single-piece CI from the brand I use since its latest version uses only rechargeable batteries, and after 2,000 charging cycles (its lifespan), the only option is to replace it with a new processor, because you can’t just replace the battery.


The lenses I’m going to use are from Zeiss. I chose Zeiss for several reasons (after a long consultation with the optician, as I’m new to this and had many doubts, and I didn’t want to make a mistake). The main reason was that Zeiss provides a 3-month warranty for you to adapt, and if you don’t adapt to multifocal lenses, they provide one for close-up vision and another for distance.

Since my poor brain has to handle hearing with hearing aids and now seeing with glasses, I thought it was wise to make this choice in case I can’t adapt. I’ll continue sharing my adaptation journey with you on Instagram as soon as I’m wearing the final glasses!

How to wear glasses with hearing aids or cochlear implants

Here ate my 3 top advices on how to wear glasses with hearing aids or cochlear implants:

  1. Find the perfect frame: it must be super thin and lightweight, so, the best is TMA Line from Austrian brand Silhouette
  2. Talk to hearing aids and glasses users: find an online community of people with hearing loss and ask for advice!
  3. Practice Patience and Gradual Adaptation: It may take some time to get used to wearing both glasses and hearing aids together. Don’t give up!


About Author

Paula Pfeifer é uma surda que ouve com dois implantes cocleares. Ela é autora dos livros Crônicas da Surdez, Novas Crônicas da Surdez e Saia do Armário da Surdez e lidera a maior comunidade digital do Brasil de pessoas com perda auditiva que são usuárias de próteses auditivas.

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